Appointment reminders
You'd like to make sure your customer remembers the time
and place for your next appointment and you don't want
to bother him with a time-consuming phone call.
Start sending SMS today
Use case details
- Send out appointment reminders
- Send out individual texts to a group of customers
- Users don't get bothered with time-consuming phone calls
- Save your employees time by sending out SMS
- Be safe that your customer will be reached for sure

SMS for Appointment Reminders and Invitations
You'd like to make sure your customer remembers the time and place for your next appointment and you don't want to bother him with a time-consuming phone call.
SMS is one of the most commonly used methods to send out appointment reminders. Whenever a customer e.g. a patient of your medical office needs to be reminded of an upcoming date, use SMS to get his attention without bothering him. This makes complex calendar software obsolete and nevertheless features individual messages that you can send out easily.