GTX SMPP-Schnittstelle
Ihre Verbindung zur Welt
Für Kunden mit besonderen Anforderungen bieten wir unsere
extrem leistungsfähige SMPP-Schnittstelle.
Für hohen SMS Durchsatz und erweitertete Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten
sind Sie mit der SMPP-Schnittstelle bestens ausgestattet.
Versenden Sie noch heute SMS mit GTX
Connectivity Settings
The SMPP interface is reachable under the following address:
Your account manager will announce the target port upon account creation.
System Type
Please use the system type "WMA".
Enquire Link Interval
To keep the connection alive, please send an enquire_link command every 60 seconds. If the SMPP gateway doesn't receive any message within 120 seconds it will close the connection by sending an unbind command.
Bind Mode
We recommend binding as a transceiver to be able to both send and receive messages.
Unbind Command
Please be aware that the SMPP gateway may send an unbind command to your client You may reconnect automatically after a few seconds.
By default your account is set up with a maximum throughput of 5 SMS per second. In case you want to increase this limitation please talk to your account manager.
TON / NPI Settings
This part explains the TON (Type Of Number) and NPI (Numbering Plan Indicator) settings that should be used with the Gateway. For further information please refer to the SMPP specification, sections 5.2.5 and 5.2.6.
Bind TON / NPI
When binding both TON and NPI should be set to NULL.
Source Address TON / NPI
When submitting messages please set the TON and NPI accordingly:
TON | NPI | Description |
1 | 1 | International numeric originator |
2 | 1 | Local / national originator, either shortcode or numeric |
5 | 0 | Alphanumeric originator |
Destination Address TON / NPI
The destination address should always be submitted using TON = 1 and NPI = 1. The SMPP gateway always expects an international number format.
Delivery Reports (DLR)
Depending on the chosen product the underlying routing may not support DLRs. Please ask your account manager about DLR support on your product.
Reason Codes
The following DLR reason codes will be returned:
Code | Meaning |
0000 | Success, No Error |
0001 | unknownSubscriber |
0002 | unknownBaseStation |
0003 | unknownMSC |
0005 | unidentifiedSubscriber |
0006 | absentsubscriberSM |
0007 | unknownEquipment |
0008 | roamingNotAllowed |
0009 | illegalSubscriber |
000a | bearerServiceNotProvisioned |
000b | teleserviceNotProvisioned |
000c | illegalEquipment |
000d | callBarred |
000e | forwardingViolation |
000f | cugUReject |
0010 | illegalSS-Operation |
0011 | ss-ErrorStatus |
0012 | ss-NotAvailable |
0013 | ss-SubscriptionViolation |
0014 | ss-Incompatibility |
0015 | facilityNotSupported |
0017 | invalidTargetBaseStation |
0018 | noRadioResourceAvailable |
0019 | noHandoverNumberAvailable |
001a | subsequentHandoverFailure |
001b | absentSubscriber |
001c | incompatibleTerminal |
001d | shortTermDenial |
001e | longTermDenial |
001f | subscriberBusyForMT-SMS |
0020 | sm-DeliveryFailure |
0021 | messageWaitingListFull |
0022 | systemFailure |
0023 | dataMissing |
0024 | unexpectedDataValue |
0025 | pw-RegistrationFailure |
0026 | negativePW-Check |
0027 | noRoamingNumberAvailable |
0028 | tracingBufferFull |
002b | numberOfPW-AttemptsViolation |
002c | numberChanged |
002d | busySubscriber |
002e | noSubscriberReply |
002f | forwardingFailed |
0030 | or-NotAllowed |
0031 | ati-NotAllowed |
0032 | noGroupCallNumberAvailable |
0033 | resourceLimitation |
0034 | unauthorizedRequestingNetwork |
0035 | unauthorizedLCSClient |
0036 | positionMethodFailure |
003a | unknownOrUnreachableLCSClient |
0047 | unknownAlphabet |
0048 | ussd-Busy |
0056 | subscriberLocationReport |
2100 | Unrecognized component |
2101 | Mistyped component |
2102 | Badly structured component |
2200 | Duplicate invoke ID |
2201 | Unrecognized operation |
2202 | Mistyped parameter |
2203 | Resource limitation |
2204 | Initiating release |
2205 | Unrecognized linked ID |
2206 | Linked response unexpected |
2207 | Unexpected linked operation |
2301 | Return Result unexpected |
2302 | Mistyped parameter |
2400 | Unrecognized invoke ID |
2401 | Return Error unexpected |
2402 | Unrecognized error |
2403 | Unexpected error |
2404 | Mistyped parameter |
6000 | memoryCapacityExceeded |
6001 | equipmentProtocolError |
6002 | equipmentNotSM-Equipped |
6003 | unknownServiceCentre |
6004 | sc-Congestion |
6005 | invalidSME-Address |
6006 | subscriberNotSC-Subscriber |
8000 | Unrecognized message type |
8001 | Unrecognized transaction ID |
8002 | Badly formatted transaction portion |
8003 | Incorrect transaction portion |
8004 | Resource limitation |
800b | Dialogue collision |
8010 | Node not reachable |
81xx | Incorrect message length |
82xx | Missing mandatory IE |
83xx | Incorrect IE length |
84xx | Bad parameter value |
85xx | No free dialogues |
86xx | Invalid dialogue ID |
87xx | Exceeded maximum length |
88xx | Invalid parameter |
89xx | Inappropriate transport message |
8axx | Agent not registered |
8bxx | Dialogue collision |
8cxx | TC User not bound |
c001 | sc-AddressNotIncluded |
c002 | mnrf-Set |
c004 | mcef-Set |
c008 | mnrg-Set |
e001 | The dialogue has received a MAP-DELIMITER unexpectedly. |
e002 | The dialogue has received a MAP-SERVICE-REQUEST unexpectedly. |
e010 | Could not decode an ASN.1 encoded parameter. |
e011 | Could not ASN.1 encode a parameter. |
e020 | Dialogue queue size exceeded. |
e040 | Dialogue timed out, i.e. the far side did not respond or there is a network problem. |
e080 | Invalid delivery outcome (<0 or >2 on any MAP level, or 1 on MAP 1) |
e081 | Invalid destination address |
e1xx | Could not open MAP dialogue the lowest 8 bits contain the code returned by TDAPI |
ff00 | (GTX) Internal error |
ff01 | (GTX) Destination temporarily not available |
ff02 | (GTX) Networklookup temporarily failed |
ff03 | (GTX) Rejected by MNO |
ff04 | (GTX) Unknown/Unmappable MNO errorcode |
ff05 | (GTX) Expired |
ff06 | (GTX) Blacklisted MSISDN |
ff07 | (GTX) MNP not supported |
ff08 | (GTX) Insufficient Credit |
ff81 | Incorrect message length |
ff82 | Missing mandatory IE |
ff83 | Incorrect IE length |
ff84 | Bad parameter value |
ff85 | No free dialogues |
ff86 | Invalid dialogue ID |
ff87 | Exceeded maximum length |
ff88 | Invalid parameter |
ff89 | Inappropriate transport message |
ff8a | Agent not registered |
ff8b | Dialogue collision |
ff8c | TC User not bound |
ffe1 | Could not open MAP dialogue |
SMS rejected by errorcodes "ff00", "ff01", "ff02" and "ff08" will not be charged.
DLR Example
id:abcdef12-3456-7890-abcd-ef123456789 sub:001 dlvrd:001 submit date:1105011200 done date:1105011200 stat:DELIVRD err:0000 text: |